Mareeba’s WOD
Wednesday 13 June 2018Programmes of the day
Wednesday 13 June 2018Warm up
200m Run
20 Banded GM
20m Spiderman
20 SL Glute bridges
200m Run
20 Banded press
20m Bear crawl
20m SLhops
200m Run
Deadlift + Strict Handstand Push-ups
Minutes 0-5: Romanian Deadlift (Build to Moderate Set of 5)
Minutes 5-10: Sumo Deadlift (Build to a Moderate Set of 3)
Minutes 10-15: Conventional Deadlift (Build to a Heavy Set of 1)
After each deadlift set, complete 1 set of Strict Handstand Push-ups, at 25% of your best set.
On the 4:00 x 4 Sets:
35m Walking Lunge
15 Deadlifts (85/60kg)
15 Burpees