Mareeba WOD
Tuesday 9 October 2018Atherton & Cairns WOD
Tuesday 9 October 2018Warm up
200m run
20 SPC
20m Banded Walk
20 Banded GM
200m run
20m Bear crawl
20m Spider-man
20m Brand jumps
20 SPC
200m run
20 SPC
20m SL hops
Odd-Object Conditioning
400 Meter Sled Push
1 V-ups
1 Seated DB Press
2 V-ups
2 Seated DB Press
3 V-ups
3 Seated DB Press
Continue to Climb by 1 Rep Each
Directly Into…
1 Ring Row
1 Slam ball
2 Ring Row
2 Slam ball
3 Ring Row
3 Slam ball
Continue to Climb by 1 Rep Each
3 rounds
25 Double Unders, 25 Sit ups
25 Double Unders, 25 Russian Swings
25 Double Unders, 25 Russian twists
Odd-Object Conditioning
400 Meter Sled Push
20min Bag work
For time:
600 Meter Sled Push
25 Double Unders, 25 Sit ups
25 Double Unders, 25 Russian Swings
25 Double Unders, 25 Russian twists