Mareeba WOD
Thursday 9 February 2017Mareeba WOD
Friday 10 February 2017CONDITIONING
*read 2 or 3 times. Might be confusing lol
16min alternating EMOM
Min 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 you start with a score of 60. As in 60seconds
In that minute you perform MAX air squats.
Take that number away from 60 ie 60-43= 17.
In Min 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 you perform the corresponding reps in either toes to bar or push ups
Min 1 max air squats
Min 2 target toes to bar
Min 3 max air squats
Min 4 target push ups
Min 5 max air squats
Min 6 target toes to bar
Min 7 max air squats
Min 8 target push ups
Min 9 max air squats
Min 10 target toes to bar
Min 11 max air squats
Min 12 target push ups
Min 13 max air squats
Min 14 target toes to bar
Min 15 max air squats
Min 16 target push ups
3-3-3-3-3 from 70%