Mareeba WOD
Wednesday 27 June 2018Programs of the day
Thursday 28 June 2018Warm up
200m run
20 SL GB
20m Spiderman
20m SL hops
200m run
20 goblet squats
20 russian swings
20 KB halos
200m run
1. Conditioning
Front Squat 62.5/42.5kg
Kettlebell Swings 25/16kg
400 Meter Run
2. Odd-Object Conditioning
3 x 200 Meters with (2) Kettlebells’s or Dumbbells’s:
1st 50 Meters – Left Arm Overhead, Right Arm Hang
2nd 50 Meters – Right Arm Overhead, Left Arm Hang
3rd 50 Meters – Both Front Rack
4th 50 Meters – Both Overhead
*Athlete’s choice on loading. Rest as needed between sets, with the intention
on each set being unbroken. Free to build between sets