Programs of the day
Sunday 17 March 2019

Mareeba WOD
Tuesday 19 March 2019Warm up
200m run
20m spider man
20 Kipling swings
20m SL Hop
200m run
20 SL KB Thruster
20 Russian Swings
20m Burpee broad jump
200m run
Open 19.4
For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 snatches
12 bar-facing burpees
Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:
3 rounds of:
10 bar muscle-ups
12 bar-facing burpees
Time cap: 12 minutes, including 3-minute rest period
Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men snatch 65 lb., perform chin-over-bar pull-ups, may step over bar on the burpees.
Women snatch 45 lb., perform chin-over-bar pull-ups, may step over bar on the burpees.
Extra Scaling
– Less weight
– Jumping pull ups / Ring rows