Mareeba WOD
Thursday 21 July 2016Mareeba WOD
Friday 22 July 2016SKILL (12mins)
4 sets of sub max reps HSPU set. Sub max, try to guess when you are 2 reps short of failing. If possible perform these strict to build some strength too. If you have to scale more than 2 x ab mats then please perform a set of 5-8 DB or KB press and a 30sec HS hold.
CONDITIONING (25min cap)
3 rounds for time
9 pull ups
15 power cleans @ 35/50kg
21 thrusters @ 35/50kg
200m run with 10/15kg plate
3 rounds for quality
20 curls 15/20kg
20 close grip (diaond push ups- may go to knees)
20 banded good mornings